I’ve just read a fascinating article about the importance of buyer feedback in property marketing and how estate agency is evolving in this respect. The most fascinating thing about the article is the suggestion that feedback is a ‘new thing’. Estate agency has evolved massively in the 20+ years I’ve been doing this job – not least with the introduction of computers and internet (!!) however during this time a constant has always been feedback.

Feedback to help you understand buyers needs and tailor the properties you introduce to them accordingly, and of course feedback for your clients to help them understand how customers are responding to their home. Feedback is the pinnacle of effective property marketing, and something that not all agents appreciate or do efficiently.
For anyone contemplating selling their home, do stop and consider your service expectations; yes the internet is an amazing tool and getting your home ‘out there’ is the first step, but quality service with an experienced, intuitive agent whose opinion you trust very often makes the difference between a good experience and a bad one. Often reflected in the length of time it takes you to sell your home and what you eventually achieve for it.
The focus of the article is the increased demand for virtual viewings and the associated automation of feedback, which is a useful tool, particularly as people tend to be a lot more direct in the ‘third person’. Automated feedback is certainly better than no feedback, but in my opinion can never replace good old-fashioned conversation.
If you’d like to discuss any element of marketing your home do get in touch 01453 860980.